Home of the Wildcats
We're glad you're here. This site is your one-stop shop for information about our school. We understand that you might be interested in a variety of topics, so we've organized everything for your convience. On this page we have our employment where you can find job openings, and employment applications, we also have our school board page so that you can meet the members of the board and find their contact information, as well as upcoming board meetings as well as agendas and minutes from past meetings, The Financial Transparency page is also located here so you can access the district budget, financial audits and other financial data.
We encourage you to explore the rest of our website to learn more about our school, extracurricular activities, and other important information.
Superintendent | Robert Framel | Principal,Junior High/ High School History | Gina Dechant |
Business Manager, ELL Cooridnator | Maira Arroyo | Secretary | Karla Ball |
Athletic Director, Counselor, JH English | Sara Crawford | Transportation Director | Darrell Arnold |
Maintanance | Calvin Bogenhagen | Preschool | Sammie Johnson |
First Grade | Heidie Marriott | Second Grade | LouRae Rady |
Third Grade, GT | Natalie Framel | Fourth/Fifth ELA, PAWS Cooridnator | Jasimine Jacobs |
Fourth/Fifth Math,Social Studies, Science, | Michael Crawford | Junior High/Highschool Science, High School PE | Alyssa Hogan |
High School English | Tracey Weeks | Junior High/High School Math, 3-4 PE | Amanda Dechant |
RTI, PreK-12 ART | Amanda Plitz | Special Education | Jill Harms |
Vocational Argricultural Education | Richard Gekeler | Technology Director, Computer Science, Librarian | Alexis Gekeler |
Music | McKenzie Smith | Kindergarten | Ali Wells |