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Kit Carson School District

Home of the Wildcats

Welcome to the Kit Carson School Disrict School Board webpage!

We are ready to serve our community by overseeing the educaiton of our future generations. This page is a resource for you to learn more about the school board, it's role in the district, and how to stay informed and involved. Here you can get to know the dedicated individuals who represent your community on the School Board, find board meeting information, as well as the strategic plan and district goals.
We believe in open communication and community engagement. This site is a valuable tool for you to stay informed about decisions that impact our school. We encourage you to explore our resources, attend board meetings, and share your feedback.

District Priorities

Priority #1

Student Growth

Provide both rigorous and proaactive teaching of standards by using the elements of intentional design with a specific focus on helping students help themselves to achieve maximum growth.

Priorty #2
Establish SAFE and HEALTHY Learning Enviornments
2A. District facilities will be designed and maintained to prevent and protect students from phsysical harm.
2B. The culture of the district will promote emotional and social well-being of all students.

Priority #3
Instruct wiht foucus on THINKING STRATEGIES and FEEDBACK
Provide both rigorous and responsive instruction by using the elements of intentional design wihat a specific focus on making student thinking visible and giving specific, meaningful, feedback in the learning process.

Priority #4
Build Professional and Community COLLABORATIVES
Establish and sustain systems for teachers and staff to strengthen delivery of instruction through on-going converstaion and critique of practice and develop parnterships with the community.

School Board Information

School Board Members
 President Toby Johnson   Vice President Dara Randel 
Secretary Justin Golding   Treasurer Michael Buchanan 
 Director at Large Kaitlin Johnson